Creating and appropriating value in cooperation networks
Relational view, Capture of value, Horizontal networks, Agribusiness.Abstract
Objective of the study: The objective of this research was to analyze how the processes of creation and appropriation of value are manifested in a horizontal agribusiness network
Methodology / approach: A case study was carried out in the Cerrado Mineiro Region (CMR) in which documentary research and interviews were used as source, whose data were analyzed through content analysis by frequency.
Originality / Relevance: There is little evidence in the literature about studies that explore processes of joint value creation and appropriation in horizontal networks. In view of this gap, the study proceeds by individually addressing the processes of creation and appropriation of value considering the nature of cooperation of the networks.
Main results: In relation to the results achieved, CMR creates value in cost reduction, differentiation by product, market expansion, expertise in the production of coffee, differentiation, dissemination and strengthening of the brand. Regarding the appropriation of value, CMR appropriates itself for the commercialization of potential quality coffee, the learning process, the premium paid in the cooperative's coffee, the valorization of the producer and for having a unique way for the production of coffee.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: Among the main contributions of this study, the individual analysis highlights the processes of creation and appropriation of value applied to horizontal networks. The considerations reinforce the fine line between the processes of creation and appropriation of relational value. That is, in addition to developing internal competencies and essential skills for the creation and appropriation of value, organizations must devise strategies to achieve a balance between these processes.
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