Submission Policy
The Editorial Board’s decisions and actions are guided by the ethical principles that support scientific journals, and editors must stay updated with the latest editorial and scientific advances in the Ibero-American world. Submissions should be made exclusively through the RIAE journal's electronic submission system. Authors must submit the text for spelling, grammar, and formatting review before submitting it to the journal. All articles submitted to the journal undergo verification through iThenticate - see the Academic Integrity Policy. Operationally, based on the steps provided by the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, submitted articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board regarding their scientific merit and compliance with submission guidelines. At RIAE, we follow the standards outlined by the American Psychological Association (APA) and other editorial guidelines of the journal. The OJS records the submission date and tracks the steps of the article’s evaluation and editorial process, allowing authors to monitor the status of the editorial flow automatically through the system.
Manual - Submission in 4 Steps