Organizational change:
a systematic literature review
Organizational Change, Change Models, Strategic management, Leadership, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Study Objective: This study aims to understand the concepts involved in organizational change, strategically addressing the involvement of leaders and other stakeholders in the change with a common organizational goal.
Methodology/Approach: This article describes a Systematic Literature Review, which involves specifying research questions and defining the review protocol, identifying relevant studies, extracting necessary data, synthesizing the data, and reporting and validating the review report.
Originality/Relevance: Organizational change is a highly discussed topic when it comes to business strategy, considering that the world is constantly evolving. Organizations are always seeking new methods and technologies that try to facilitate and expedite business work, producing changes in the culture and philosophy of general work performance.
Main Results: Lewin's change model was obtained as the most studied for the transformation process and leadership as the main driver and responsible for organizational change. The United States was presented as the country with the most studies in the area, followed by Australia and Brazil, and the main areas of study related to organizational change were Social Sciences, Psychology, Health, and Public Administration.
Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: The research results highlight the importance of leadership in organizational change and provide a deeper understanding of the concepts involved. These theoretical implications can be used for the development of more effective strategies of organizational change and can be useful for researchers interested in exploring this topic.
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