Call for Papers 2024


Editorial team

Chief Editor

Prof. Dr. Heidy Rodriguez Ramos (UNINOVE - Brazil)


Prof. Dr. Ivano Ribeiro (UNIOESTE – Brazil)

 Associate Editor

Prof. Dr. Nairana Radtke Caneppele (UNIHORIZONTES - Brazil)

Guest Editors

Prof. Dr. Larissa Marchiori Pacheco (D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University – USA)

Prof. Dr. Marina Romeo Delgado (University of Barcelona - Spain)

Prof. Dr. Roberto Vassolo (IAE Business School – Austral University - Argentina)

Prof. Dr. Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra (UNINOVE - Brazil)

Prof. Dr. Carlos Ricardo Rossetto (UNIVALI- Brazil)

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Damião da Silva (PUC/PR - Brazil)

Prof. Dr. Fellipe Silva Martins (MACKENZIE - Brazil)

 Assistant Editor

Leandro Rodrigues de Oliveira (UNINOVE - Brazil)

Technical Editor - Librarian

Cristiane dos Santos Monteiro (UNINOVE-Brazil)


Behavioral Strategy is an essential field of study to fully understand strategic direction in organizations. Its goal is to advance the understanding of human actions that play a crucial role in strategic decisions and the direction of organizations (Steensen, 2014).

Using psychology as a support, its objective is to investigate why executives guide certain actions in organizations and how and why they execute them. The behavioral strategy approach lies in understanding the mind of decision makers, which includes their personal priorities and preferences, their knowledge and assumptions, their way of processing and interpreting new information, as well as a dynamic interaction between these individuals. It can also extend to a broader view, beyond the individual, integrating concepts such as sociology and politics for a holistic understanding of organizations (Hambrick & Crossland, 2018).

In this special call, we invite researchers to submit theoretical or empirical papers based on a wide range of topics, covering different methodologies. We hope that the articles can present “realistic assumptions about cognition, emotions and social behavior for the strategic management of organizations” (Powell, Lovallo & Fox, 2011, 1371).

We highlight some topics of interest below:

Theoretical Foundations and Conceptual Approaches

  • Managerial Cognition and Applied Psychology: Managerial cognition, Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive or Moral Psychology, Neurostrategy.
  • Organizational and Strategic Theories: Agency Theory, Upper Echelon Theory, Transaction Cost Theory, Corporate Governance.

 Organizational Dynamics and Processes

  • Capabilities and Organizational Adaptation: Dynamic Capabilities, Resource Adaptation, Resource Orchestration, Strategic Inertia.
  • Implementation and Strategic Decision Making: Strategy Implementation, Strategic Decision-making, Intuition in Decision-making, Rationality, Effectuation and Bricolage, Reasoning or Causal Argumentation.

Organizational Behaviors and Responses

  • Conflict and Crisis Management: Behavior Regarding Crisis, Conflicts, Threat-rigidity.
  • Organizational Visions and Perceptions: Attention-Based View, Organizational Myopia, Opportunism.
  • Social and Institutional Context.
  • External Perspectives and Threat Analysis.


  • Deadline for paper submission: Dec. 15, 2024
  • Possible Publication Date: Until June 30, 2025


  • We accept works in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. The journal has a bilingual publication policy, thus every paper from the special edition will be published in English and either Portuguese or Spanish.
  • Papers must be submitted in accordance with the journal’s requirements, following the norms highlighted in the “Author Guidelines” section available at
  • The original manuscripts must be submitted through the RIAE system, available at
  • Authors must indicate that their submission is related to the “BEHAVIORAL STRATEGY” special edition.

Questions related to this special edition may be sent to the e-mail:


Hambrick, D., & Crossland, C. (2018). A strategy for behavioral strategy: Appraisal of small, midsize, and large tent conceptions of this embryonic community. In M. Augier, C. Fang, & V. Rindova (Eds). Behavioral Strategy in Perspective (Vol. 39, pp. 23-39). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Powell, T. C., Lovallo, D., & Fox, C. R. (2011). Behavioral strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 32(13), 1369–1386.

Steensen, E. F. (2014). Five types of organizational strategy. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30(3), 266-281.