The Developmentof Resources Ininterorganizationalnetworksand Theinternationalization Process: The Case Wines of Brasil


  • Marlon Dalmoro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS
  • Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
  • Douglas Wegner Universidade de Santa Cruz - UNISC



Internationalization, Resources, Interorganizational Networks.


The internationalization has become an imperative for survival of many Brazilian industrial sectors. In the wine industry, the growth of competition with imported wines in last years has led companies in the industry to seek new markets abroad. In this way, the formation of interorganizational networks could stimulate the internationalization process by generating collective resources. This paper analyzes the development of resources within a network of interorganizational wine industry and the influence of these resources in the process of internationalization of companies. Therefore, we carried out an exploratory study in a network called Wines of Brasil. The results show that the network has contributed to the generation of resources, such as the reputation of Brazilian wine, market knowledge and access to information among participants. The network´ resources were denominate ´good club´. However, the appropriation of these resources does not occur homogeneously, showing the existence of asymmetries, due to specific organizational architectures of network members (i.e. size, resource base and absorptive capacity of complementary businesses).


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Author Biographies

Marlon Dalmoro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Marlon Dalmoro PhD in Management Graduate Program in Management Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer, Dr. professor University of Caxias do Sul - UCS

Douglas Wegner, Universidade de Santa Cruz - UNISC

Douglas Wegner, Professor Dr. University of Santa Cruz - UNISC



How to Cite

Dalmoro, M., Fensterseifer, J. E., & Wegner, D. (2013). The Developmentof Resources Ininterorganizationalnetworksand Theinternationalization Process: The Case Wines of Brasil. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 12(1), 107–130.
  • Abstract 178
  • pdf (Português (Brasil)) 154