Stakeholders and sustainability: an analysis of technical schools in São Paulo




stakeholder, sustainability, ETECs


Study Objective: The present study sought to identify how stakeholders are involved in sustainable actions in the Multi-Year Management Plan of Technical Schools in São Paulo.

Methodology/Approach: The research was based on the literature on stakeholders, ESG, and educational institutions. To carry out the research, a documentary study was developed based on the Multiannual Management Plan (MYMP) of the ETECs, collected on the websites. Of the 224 existing ETECs in the State of São Paulo, the analysis was concentrated on 99 MYMPs of the ETECs that disclosed their MYMPs.

Originality/Relevance: The research explores the disclosure of sustainable actions in educational institutions and the involvement of stakeholders in sustainable development.

Main Findings: It was found that there are sustainability actions practiced by the ETECs with the involvement of their stakeholders. It was found that when looking at the social projects, the most evident stakeholders were: clients, employees, and the community. Observing the environmental actions, the most evident stakeholders were: community, clients, and teachers. Regarding governance actions, the most prominent stakeholders were: community, clients, and teachers.

Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: From a theoretical point of view, the main contribution of this research is related to the presentation and detailing of the relationship between stakeholders and ESG, especially in educational institutions in the public sector.

Social/Management Contributions: The research helps ETECs managers to rethink the preparation of the MYMP and which stakeholders can be more involved to benefit their local community.


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Author Biographies

Rogério dos Santos Lima, Centro Paula Souza – CPS / São Paulo, SP

Master in Business Administration. Centro Paula Souza – CPS. São Paulo, SP – Brazil.

Leonardo Fabris Lugoboni, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Doctor in Business Administration. Centro Universitário FECAP – FECAP. Universidade Federal de SP – UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP – Brazil.

Davi Jônatas Cunha Araújo, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Doctor in Accounting Sciences. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. São Paulo, SP – Brazil.


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How to Cite

Lima, R. dos S., Lugoboni, L. F., & Araújo, D. J. C. (2024). Stakeholders and sustainability: an analysis of technical schools in São Paulo. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 23(2), e25401.



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