Strategic changes and dynamic capacities in hotels marked by uncertainty
Dynamic capabilities, Strategic changes, Hotel management, Uncertainties.Abstract
Objective: This investigation aims to analyze the existence of similarities and differences in strategic changes and dynamic capabilities between the hotels located in the Coastal Region of Cabo de Santo Agostinho and Porto de Galinhas, two regions at different stages of tourism development and marked by market uncertainties.
Methodology/approach: The qualitative approach and the multiple case strategy are used. Nine organizations were selected and, through the selection of documents and semi-structured interviews with thirteen individuals, the data were collected. To assist the content analysis process, we use ATLAS.ti software.
Originality/ Relevance: This study addresses the adaptation process of hotel in order to gain competitive advantage in uncertain and dynamic markets. The theoretical perspective of dynamic capabilities is adopted in conducting the investigation.
Main results: The results show a relationship between the cooperation strategies of the hotels and the development of tourism activity in the region. The research also lists needs for the development of sensing capabilities, observation of time horizon and flexibility, corroborating the literature.
Theoretical contributions: There is a significant relationship between the level of industrial development with the reaction of companies and the development of dynamic capabilities, contrasting the literature in this regard.
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