Fundamental right to mental health and suicide: multidisciplinary reflections for the institutionalization of a legal psychology clinic at the Federal University of Rondônia
suicide, mental health., human rights, prevention, legal psychology clinicAbstract
This article examines the phenomenon of suicide from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating aspects of mental health, human rights and philosophy, with the aim of analyzing its complexities, identifying risk factors and prevention strategies, as well as reflecting on the role of the institutionalization of a Legal Psychology Clinic at the Federal University of Rondônia as a promoter of the fundamental right to mental health. The methodology adopted includes an integrative literature review and a qualitative analysis, based on interdisciplinary approaches that integrate ethical and legal perspectives. The results highlight the importance of a holistic and rights-based approach, recognizing suicide as a complex phenomenon, influenced by social, cultural, economic and psychological factors. The need for inclusive public policies that promote mental health as a fundamental human right, eliminate stigma and discrimination related to mental illnesses and encourage investment in interdisciplinary research and extension practices, such as university clinics, is highlighted. It is concluded that the institutionalization of Legal Psychology Clinics represents a significant initiative to strengthen access to mental health, contributing to the protection of human dignity and the reduction of suicide rates, benefiting both the academic community and society in general.
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