Are competencies and corporate strategy aligned? an exploratory study in Brazilian steel mills


  • Ualace Carvalho Marques Porto SENAI CIMATEC
  • Francisco Uchoa Passos SENAI CIMATEC
  • Paulo Soares Figueiredo Escola de Administração da UFBA


Palabras clave:

Core Competencies, Mapping Competencies, Corporate Strategy, Alignment of Critical Resources, Resource-Based View of the Firm.


In this qualitative and exploratory study, a measurement of alignment of competencies with corporate strategy was carried out in nine steel mills, using a methodology developed specifically for this purpose. Four companies (“big and aligned”), accounting for 86% of the steel produced in the country, indicate full alignment of competencies with their strategies. Two companies (“small and partially aligned”), represent 4% of the market and try to reconcile the corporate strategy of technological orientation with short-term operational performance imposed on them by the business environment. In contrast to the latter, three companies (“small and not aligned”), having 10% of the combined market share, primarily concern themselves with performance in terms of productivity, without having synergy with the corporate strategy. The major contribution of this work is the development of a specific methodology to operationalize the mapping of core competencies, in order to facilitate the mobilization of resources to support business strategies.


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Cómo citar

Porto, U. C. M., Passos, F. U., & Figueiredo, P. S. (2017). Are competencies and corporate strategy aligned? an exploratory study in Brazilian steel mills. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 16(4), 117–132.



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