Dissertation structures for scientific, technical, technological and social convergence





dissertations, methodological matrix, contributory matrix, scientific contribution, technical and technological contribution, social contribution, impact


Objective: We propose an advance in the development of dissertations in applied social sciences area to bring convergence among scientific, technical, technological, and social productions to enhance their impact on society.

Methodology: Building upon a qualitative and exploratory nature, we organized existing literature to propose dissertation structures.

Main Results: The results are (1) a synthesis of traditional and alternative dissertation structures, (2) a methodological matrix, and (3) a contribution matrix for these structures in order to emphasize theoretical and practical contributions.

Originality: The evolution in dissertation structures has been an object of concern and interest among academics. Thus, this editorial proposes an advance on traditional and alternative dissertation structures, seeking to enhance scientific, technical, technological, and social impact for applied social sciences area and for society.

Implications: This editorial contributes to doctoral students training, emphasizing the relevance, impacts, benefits, and challenges of dissertations on scientific, technical, technological, and social advancement.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Rezende da Costa, University Nove de Julho – Uninove / São Paulo (SP)

Professor and Director PPGA at University Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, São Paulo, (Brasil). 

Angelica Pigola, University Nove de Julho - Uninove / São Paulo (SP)

PPGA - Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração

Heidy Rodriguez Ramos, Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove / São Paulo (SP)

Professor PPGA at Universidade Nove de Julho

Cristiane Drebes Pedron, Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove / São Paulo (SP)

Professor PPGA at Universidade Nove de Julho


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How to Cite

da Costa, P. R., Pigola, A., Rodriguez Ramos, H., & Drebes Pedron, C. (2024). Dissertation structures for scientific, technical, technological and social convergence. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 23(1), e26202. https://doi.org/10.5585/2024.26202




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