Design Science in business administration

the intellectual structure of the paradigm




design science, business administration, bibliometrics, artifacts, maturity


Objective of the study: This article aims to analyse the intellectual structure of Design Science in Business Administration. It Identifies the most influential works and journals, the theoretical approaches for the generation of artifacts, and discusses the intellectual structure of the emerging literature on Design Science.

Methodology: The research used bibliographic coupling and citation analyses in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Originality/relevance: This research contributes to a better understanding of the design science in Business Administration.

Main results: The articles are, in the main, theoretical, demonstrating that Design Science is still in an initial maturity phase. As for the empirical and theoretical (illustrated) articles, their respective authors indicate as artifacts: framework, method, and instantiation, in addition to Design Propositions, Design Principles, and Technological Rules. The articles that constitute DS's intellectual structure are predominantly in the Systems Information area and, to a lesser degree, in Service Design and Operations Management.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The article contributes to the scientific discussion on design science by identifying the main areas that use the paradigm to conduct research in Business Administration.


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Author Biographies

Cristiane Drebes Pedron, Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove / São Paulo, SP

Philosophy Doctor. Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove. São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Rosária de Fátima Segger Macri Russo, R2DM / São Paulo, SP

Rosária de Fátima Segger Macri Russo: PhD Degree (FEA/USP, major: Administration, 2012), MBA (FIA, major: Project Management, 2004), BA Degree (FATEC, major: technologist in Data Processing, 1983), PMP (Project Management Professional Certification – PMI, 2004). TI Project Manager for 25 years, worked mainly in banks, government companies, software houses. She is consultant and teach in Universities and Enterprise about Project Management.

Diego Nogueira Rafael, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - ESPM / São Paulo, SP

Diego Nogueira Rafael is post-doctorate research in Consumer Behavior at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil.  He is a professor of Marketing and Business Administration at Faculdade Engenheiro Salvador Arena - FESA, São Paulo, Brasil. His research interests are focused on consumer behavior with emphasis on social isolation, affect, ego depletion, indulgent consumption, experimental research, research with structural equation modeling, meta-analysis and bibliometric research.

José da Assunção Moutinho, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ / Rio de Janeiro, RJ

José da Assunção Moutinho holds a PhD in project management from Nove de Julho University (2022). He is a project manager at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and researcher in the Graduate Program in Project Management at the Nove de Julho University. His research interests include collaborative R&D research, implementation of project management practices in public environment, knowledge management in projects and design science research. He has worked as a business consultant and project manager for over 20 years.


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How to Cite

Drebes Pedron, C., Segger Macri Russo, R. de F., Nogueira Rafael, D., & da Assunção Moutinho, J. (2024). Design Science in business administration: the intellectual structure of the paradigm. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 23(1), e25650.



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