Moderation of dynamic capabilities in the relationship between intellectual capital and innovative performance in Chapecó Companies
intellectual capital, innovative performance, dynamic capabilities, companies, Chapecó (SC)Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between intellectual capital, dynamic capability, and innovative performance in micro and small enterprises located in the municipality of Chapecó (SC), Brazil.
Methodology: A descriptive quantitative approach was used, applying a structured survey with a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed to financial managers and/or owner-partners of micro and small enterprises in Chapecó, resulting in 121 valid responses. The data were analyzed using correlation tests, multiple linear regression analysis, and ANOVA test.
Originality: This study stands out for its specific approach in a regional context, exploring the relationship between intellectual capital, dynamic capability, and innovative performance in micro and small enterprises in Chapecó (SC), Brazil, thus filling an identified knowledge gap in the literature.
Results: The results indicate that the innovative performance of companies is positively influenced by close relationships with suppliers, the use of technology to integrate internal processes, and the ability of employees to anticipate economic changes and make strategic decisions. Technology, when moderated by dynamic capability, proved particularly effective in improving efficiency and speed in innovation.
Theoretical Contributions: The study reinforces the importance of human capital and technology in innovation. It also demonstrates that close relationships with suppliers and the effective use of technology are crucial for innovative performance, offering new insights into how these dynamics apply in a specific regional context.
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