Performance Evaluation as an Instrument to Support the Management of the Administrative Coordination of the Campus of a Federal Public University
a constructivist Multicriteria Perspective
administrative management, public university, performance evaluation, MCDA-C, constructivist approachAbstract
Purpose of the study: To build a multicriteria model of performance evaluation to support the management and support the decision making of the Administrative Coordination of a campus of a Public University, according to the perception of the Administrative Coordinator.
Methodology/approach: This is a case study. The Constructivist Decision Support Multicriteria Methodology (MCDA-C) was adopted for the construction of the model that took place through interviews with the Campus administrative coordinator, which allowed identifying the important aspects for evaluating the performance of the activities of the Coordination Administrative.
Originality/Relevance: As for the originality of the work, it is based on the development of solutions for internal problems found within a university campus with its own management, but which has very specific situations originating in the relationship with the University Rectory, located in different states. It is noteworthy that the descriptors (indicators/KPIs) constructed for the research were not identified in the literature.
Main results and contributions to management: 131 EPAs were identified, and 136 concepts were built, distributed in 15 Areas of Concern. Cognitive maps and 73 descriptors (indicators/KPIs) were made, which allowed the expansion of knowledge for the decision maker to be met. The built model allowed the definition of institutional priorities and the elaboration of actions for improvement that will increase the performance of the Administrative Coordination of Campus Laranjeiras do Sul.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: As a theoretical contribution, the work brings a view of Performance Assessment to the Public Sector, with emphasis on higher education institutions, for a specific context, an aspect neglected in the literature.
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