Unprotected lives
a supplementary health organization at risk of extinction
decision making, management, non-profit entities, institutional theory, supplementary healthAbstract
Objective of the study: To contextualize the health industry setting in Brazil, in order to provide subsidies for decision-making of a non-profit organization in the supplementary health activity to act again as a health insurance plan administrator or as a health operator.
Methodology: This teaching case refers to a non-profit organization working in the supplementary health industry. A qualitative-descriptive approach was used with primary and secondary data.
Originality: The decision-making process of complex institutional actors, such as government, directors, employees of the Organization, associates and others involved in the supplementary health sector in Brazil.
Main results: The context involves complex decision-making about the future of the organization in continuing to offer of supplementary health services, while mobilizing actors to choose between working as a health insurance plan administrator or as a health operator.
Theoretical contributions: The need for decision-making in a highly complex industry, given the strong regulation and the large number of actors involved.
Social contributions to management: Strengthening the imposition of the need for negotiation in more complex contexts, which involve the provision of an essential service to the population.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Ozorio Nunes dos Santos, Jefferson Marlon Monticelli, Fábio Dal-Soto

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