A proposal of a prescriptive model to evaluate the maturity of the intelligence process
intelligence maturity, Delphi Card-Sorting, maturity model, model validationAbstract
Objective: This study proposes a prescriptive model for evaluating the maturity of Intelligence processes.
Methodology: A Systematic Literature Review was conducted to identify existing maturity models and key practices, which were consolidated and subjected to a Delphi Card-Sorting with Intelligence experts, leading to the proposal of a preliminary model. The model was then subjected to a survey with 374 Intelligence professionals for validation.
Originality: The validation of the model allows for the proposal of a method that, in addition to diagnosis, contributes to the evolution of organizations' Intelligence processes through the prescription of improvement actions.
Results: Development of a prescriptive maturity model for Intelligence processes. The survey indicated that most participating organizations have mature Intelligence processes, although these are not always recognized or formalized.
Theoretical and Methodological Contributions: The use of a combination of methodological procedures, including the Delphi Card-Sorting, combined with a survey with a significant number of respondents. The developed model is also expected to contribute to the development of longitudinal research that analyzes the relationship between Intelligence and its impact on organizational performance. The application of the Delphi Card-Sorting method can also be considered an important academic contribution, as the preliminary instrument resulting from this method was partially validated.
Social Contributions: The proposed model helps organizations evaluate their maturity level in Intelligence processes, diagnosing and guiding their practices.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christiane Cunha Martini, Raquel Janissek-Muniz, Luccas Martins da Rosa

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