Strategic Planning in the Student Assistance Public Policy: A Scenario Analysis at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) as Support for the Implementation of the National Plan for Student Assistance (PNAES)
Planning, Student Assistance Plan, StrategyAbstract
Objective: The present study had the purpose of analyzing variables that directly influence the strategic planning of the Pro-Rectory Student (PROEST) of the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) using scenario building management tools.
Methodology: The research is exploratory and applied with the use of survey, documentary, bibliographic, questionnaires and interviews with the civil servants, managers and students in a quali-quanti cross-sectional analysis with scenario focusing on the scenario from the SWOT matrix and survey of priority actions from the perspective of the target audience
Originality: The application of scenario analysis tools, using the SWOT matrix as a guide and delimiter of the planning of actions to be developed by the UFAL, enables a new perception of the academic unit in relation to problem situations and management focus.
Main results: Students in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability glimpse a greater amount of actions aimed at direct transfer of resources, which is justified due to the difficulties faced daily by these students who use these resources to maintain their activities at the University and in self and family support; on the other hand, the SWOT matrix presents a scenario of offensive weakness where the unit does not have internal organizational capacity related to the totality of PNAES actions.
Theoretical Contributions: The adoption of scenario analysis tools enables the integration
between planning and operation of the strategic process in the construction of multiannual planning with the use of configurations and awareness of characteristics for effective deliberation, including the best paths after organizational diagnosis analysis.Downloads
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