Social Representations of the Media on Celebrity-Manager's Performance in an Unsuccesful Merger Strategy


  • Ananda Silva Singh Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ana Beatriz Murillo Oviedo Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Jacquelaine Florindo Borges Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Murilo Junqueira Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Estrategista, Fusões e aquisições, Gestor-celebridade, Representações sociais


Purpose: To analyze how the social representations of the media about a celebrity manager are configured before, during and after the process of an unsuccessful merger attempt. The research was based on studies on celebrity managers, strategist managers and merger and acquisition processes, social representations and the media.

Methodology / approach: Techniques of media research, internet research and documentary research were used to collect reports published by the media. From a qualitative and longitudinal approach, we performed a thematic analysis of the content of these reports.

Originality / Relevance: No studies were found addressing the way social representations develop before, during and after a merger process.

Results: This research showed that representations of celebrity manager Abilio Diniz, built by the media before, during and after the process of an unsuccessful attempt to merge Pão de Açúcar with Carrefour, changed throughout the process.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: A psychosociology approach to the roles and behaviors of celebrity managers opens the possibility of studying both the symbolic, historical, cultural and political dimensions of the archetypes that guide strategic leadership.

Social / managerial contributions: The research showed the dynamic and collective nature of the celebrity manager's social representations in the media, which guide participants and the managers' own actions and practices in merger and acquisition processes.


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Author Biographies

Ananda Silva Singh, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Departamento de Administração

Ana Beatriz Murillo Oviedo, Universidad de Costa Rica

Departamento de Administração

Jacquelaine Florindo Borges, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Departamento de Administração

Murilo Junqueira, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Departamento de Administração



How to Cite

Singh, A. S., Oviedo, A. B. M., Borges, J. F., & Junqueira, M. (2019). Social Representations of the Media on Celebrity-Manager’s Performance in an Unsuccesful Merger Strategy. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 18(4), 556–575.



  • Abstract 343
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 420