Sustainable competitive advantages: an exploratory study of the brazilian cell phone sector


  • Rodolfo Borges Felipe Egresso da FEA-USP
  • João Maurício Gama Boaventura FIA
  • João Paulo Lara de Siqueira UNIP



Strategy, Competition, Telephony.


In an environment of rapid changes one should seek definitions of what would be the strategic solutions adopted by organizations to ensure a competitive edge. This article is targeted to identify and verify the longevity of potential competitive advantages in Brazil’s mobile telephone sector through the analysis of the strategic actions taken by its operators between 2000 and 2008.Therefore, a two stage qualitative research with exploratory-descriptive features was adopted and carried out. The first stage saw the development of a theoretical framework based on the theory of competitive advantage. In the second step, the impact of strategic actions with the potential to become a competitive advantage in the four major mobile phone companies in the country was analyzed, and the examination of the sustainability of competitive advantages created from those actions was also undertaken. The study concluded that, although being a highly dynamic and competitive sector, there is evidence of the occurrence of a sustainable competitive advantage in the mobile telephone sector in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Borges Felipe, Egresso da FEA-USP

Graduado pela FEA-USP em Administração.Trainee no Grupo Abril.

João Maurício Gama Boaventura, FIA

Professor do Programa de Mestrado da FIA.Autor e co-autor de livros e textos publicados em revistas técnicas e periódicos sobre Adm.

João Paulo Lara de Siqueira, UNIP

Professor do Programa de Mestrado em Adm. da UNIP.Autor e co-autor de livros e textos publicados em revistas técnicas e periódicos sobre Adm.



How to Cite

Felipe, R. B., Boaventura, J. M. G., & Siqueira, J. P. L. de. (2010). Sustainable competitive advantages: an exploratory study of the brazilian cell phone sector. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 9(2), 143–167.



  • Abstract 143
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 254