The influence of utilitarianism and hedonism on the consumption of lamb meat: a study in the southern Brazil producing region




Agribusiness, Consumer behavior, Food marketing


Objective: This present work seeks to analyze the influence of utilitarianism and hedonism on the consumption of lamb meat in a producing region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Furthermore, we sought to build scenarios as a way to project the probability of increasing the consumption of lamb meat due to the hedonic and utilitarian behavior of consumers.

Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. The method used was the Survey, through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 193 lamb meat consumers. The research instrument was composed of sociodemographic variables, frequency of lamb meat consumption, four variables referring to utilitarianism, and four variables related to hedonism. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, and a logistic regression model.

Originality / Relevance: The originality of this paper focuses on the analysis of lamb meat consumption, - a theme that still lacks research in Brazil - focusing on the utilitarian and hedonic determinants of seasonality of consumption. In a practical way, this paper will contribute to a greater observance of the way people perceive consumption, and it may help brand managers to define strategies and actions aimed to the production and sales of lamb meat.

Results: The research evidence indicates that utilitarian and hedonic behaviors may contribute to a more frequent consumption of lamb meat, especially the hedonic variables, which presented a greater influence. This fact is due to the lamb meat being associated with taste and pleasure of the consumer's experience.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: As a scientific contribution, it shows that even products considered for basic consumption can provide hedonism, which demonstrates the possibility of adding value to basic necessities products.


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Author Biographies

Sávio Costa Borges, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Master in Administration

Federal University of Pampa – UNIPAMPA

        Dom Pedrito, RS

Gustavo da Rosa Borges, Universidade Federal do Pampa

PhD in Business Administration

Adjunct professor - Federal University of Pampa – UNIPAMPA

Dom Pedrito, RS

João Garibaldi Almeida Viana, Universidade Federal do Pampa

PhD in Agribusiness

Associate professor - Federal University of Pampa – UNIPAMPA

Santana do Livramento, RS


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How to Cite

Borges, S. C., Borges, G. da R., & Viana, J. G. A. (2020). The influence of utilitarianism and hedonism on the consumption of lamb meat: a study in the southern Brazil producing region. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 19(4), 787–808.