Strategies to reduce ethnic decharacterization in Higher Education mindfulness practice




ethnic decharacterization; native communities; inclusive education; social programs


Ethnic decharacterization is a manifestation of conditioning to a new lifestyle, in which multiple intercultural migrations live daily; adapting their cultural identity and adopting social behaviors. The Higher Education institutions of the state of Nuevo León that provides academic service to ethnic communities from Mexico, have the responsibility of promoting educational, social and cultural inclusion within their university society, which allows them to enhance the cultural wealth and pride that distinguishes the country; identity, culture and diversity of native languages. In this framework, the objective arises of knowing the perception of the intercultural community of the university to be analyzed, in the identity, linguistic and traditional sphere. The study was carried out in a Higher Education institution located in the city of Monterrey, Mexico, where eighty-five students from the country's native community participated. It is established that educational centers must design and implement academic and cultural strategies that promote the reduction of social segregation among the university community, thus fostering admiration and reverence for the cultural heritage that distinguishes the Mexican territory.


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Author Biography

Ruth Alejandra Peña Prado, Universidad Lux

Doutor em educação



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How to Cite

PEÑA PRADO, Ruth Alejandra. Strategies to reduce ethnic decharacterization in Higher Education mindfulness practice. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 47, p. e25587, 2023. DOI: 10.5585/47.2023.25587. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



IE Conference 2023 - Ed. Esp. n. 47 “Inovação, Internacionalização e Inclusão”