Psychodramatic pedagogy

humanism and innovation in teaching and learning




Psychodramatic pedagogy, humanism, innovation, basic education


The theme of this bibliographical study is the psychodramatic pedagogy proposed by Maria Alicia Romaña, as a humanist and innovative practice. Faced with contemporary educational challenges, the question that guides the development of the analyzes presented, problematizes: to what extent can the psychodramatic method be considered humanist and innovative considering the context of basic education? In line with this issue, the main objective was to analyze the pertinence of applying the psychodramatic method, as a humanist and innovative practice, in the process of schooling in basic education. In this perspective, the results indicate that this methodological proposal is socially and politically responsible for the human needs of students beyond the cognitive aspects. Although it requires a significant effort from the teacher, it is an active methodology that is proportionately productive and produces meaningful and personalized learning. In that sense it can be considered innovative.


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Author Biographies

José Lucas Martins, Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER

Especialista / Mestrando


Luís Fernando Lopes, Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER

Docente / Doutor



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How to Cite

MARTINS, José Lucas; LOPES, Luís Fernando. Psychodramatic pedagogy: humanism and innovation in teaching and learning. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 48, p. e23926, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/48.2024.23926. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


