An open archive by Ana Luísa Janeira: changing through travel




textual analysis, pilgrimage, meanings, foucaultian archeology-genealogy, realities


The object of this article is the textual analysis of two blog posts from the blog ArquivoVivido, by JANEIRA (17 Dec. 2020): para uma epistemologia de viagem; e Viajar, colecionar, arquivar — Coisas & loisas from several places with knowledge, flavours and odours. The focus of this research was on evaluating the importance of the early educational influence of reading, the creation of virtual worlds, the construction of the discovery spirit, such as listening to true romance and verbal or virtual fictional histories. It was used a critical discourse analysis model for the following relations between concepts: historical truth, personality of Fernão Mendes Pinto, travel epistemology, space imagination in possible worlds, the transition from 16th to 18th century, material heritage, spiritual legacy, medieval pharmacy, healing and know-how. This work concludes with the comparison between real and virtual worlds, an appeal to a double hermeneutics with the focus of “rational imagination”.


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Author Biography

Judite Zamith Cruz, Instituto de Educação, da Universidade do Minho — Uminho

Doutora em psicologia


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How to Cite

CRUZ, Judite Zamith. An open archive by Ana Luísa Janeira: changing through travel. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 39, p. e20602, 2021. DOI: 10.5585/39.2021.20602. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



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