Uma análise do contexto social, familiar e escolar em boku no hero (my hero academia): vai plus ultra!




education, cultural mediation, anime, school, teacher, student


The purpose of this article is to analyze the anime of Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) and describe the social, family and school context, with emphasis on the protagonist Izuku Midoriya and the relationship between teacher and student, seeking to understand and align relevant issues to the context of the individual, school, family and teacher, and their nuances that can add to the understanding between this triad that has been the subject of studies by several researchers in the educational sphere. Thus, having as centrality the following problem: what elements does the society presented in the narrative move the character to obtain his virtues? What possible roles can the school play for the potentiality of the student who is not "inserted" in society? Can the family nucleus be a different way for the education and formation of the individual? To meet the objectives, the research occurred in order to consider how the authors are considering the studies on pop culture in education, i.e., it is a qualitative research, such documents were analyzed using the Technique of Content Analysis, proposed by Bardin (2011). The results obtained were satisfactory, permeating extremely relevant issues that relate to our experience in the school environment, highlighting how this triad, social context, family and school, becomes essential for the development and constitution of the personality of the human being, that the values present in this fictional society drive individuals, resulting in pedagogical gains. Finally, the characters that represent the educator of the fictional school in question, who through his didactics provides the students with a pleasant and open space for the exchange of experiences, strategies for the elevation of self-esteem and developing parameters to expand critical and reflective thinking, essential aspects for the effectiveness of the teacher-student relationship and learning.



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Author Biographies

Masaaki Alvez Funakura, Universidade La Salle – Unilasalle

Graduação em História

Fabiula Campos Fagundes Fagundes, Universidade La Salle – Unilasalle

Mestra em Educação

Gelson Vanderlei Weschenfelder, Universidade Feevale

Pós doutorando em Processos e Manifestações Culturais


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How to Cite

FUNAKURA, Masaaki Alvez; FAGUNDES, Fabiula Campos Fagundes; WESCHENFELDER, Gelson Vanderlei. Uma análise do contexto social, familiar e escolar em boku no hero (my hero academia): vai plus ultra!. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 39, p. e20022, 2021. DOI: 10.5585/39.2021.20022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


