Pandemic education perspectives of Paulo Freire and Waldorf pedagogies
community, dialogue, Freire, pedagogy WaldorfAbstract
The article aims to examine the relationship between parents or guardians and their children's school. It results, in part, from the information collected in semi-structured interviews, applied in a school located in the city of Bragança Paulista, guided by “Pedagogia Waldorf”. It aims to verify the quality of the dialogue in the relations between the engaged families and the school agents, in times of pandemic. In Waldorf Education, the school, parents and students triad bases the proposal for participatory democracy in the management of the educational institution. In this environment, students experience innovations in the administrative process, enhancing changes in the social architecture itself. As a theoretical reference, the category “dialogicity” was developed, presented by Paulo Freire in Pedagogy of the Oppressed (2018), given that dialogue is the main resource for carrying out actions in the so-called “educational community” and in this regard there is a meeting between the ideas of Rudolf Steiner and Paulo Freire.
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