Performance indicators as a strategic alignment tool – the experience of SENAC Paraná


  • Solan Arantes Valente Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brasil


Palabras clave:

Balanced Scorecard, Performance Indicators, Gratuitousness, Senac, Strategy Alignment.


This article presents a case study of the appropriation of Balanced Scorecard’s concepts by SENAC Paraná, through thedevelopment of performance indicators for strategic alignment. The implementation of the strategic direction of socialpromotion, one of the pillars of the institution, was measured through indicators that aim to monitor the units’ actions ofgratuitousness, under the premise that they sustain this strategy. The focus of the indicators is both productivity andmeeting the targets of gratuity. These indicators were subjected to statistical analysis by the technique of analysis ofvariance, whose goal is to show the existence of significant differences in the list of data analyzed. The result showsthat, in fact, there is difference in the performance of the units, which is why questions are suggested in order to assistthe process of alignment between local and global strategies, with the objective of optimizing the supply of free coursesin all regions of the state. This case study describes the experience of SENAC Paraná, with scope limited to the year2013 and on the 33 schools for vocational education institution, distributed throughout the state information.


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Biografía del autor/a

Solan Arantes Valente, Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brasil

Bacharel em Administração (UFPR), especialista em Gestão Empresarial e em Gestão e Liderança (Universidade Positivo), mestrando em Ciência, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação (UFPR). Atua como assessor da direção regional do SENAC Paraná, na área de estratégia e negócios.



Cómo citar

Valente, S. A. (2014). Performance indicators as a strategic alignment tool – the experience of SENAC Paraná. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 13(4), 33–43.
  • Resumen 168
  • pdf (Português (Brasil)) 147