Languages and Declarations
RIAE is making efforts to become an internationalized journal with greater impact. These efforts aim primarily to increase the number of readers of the journal and, consequently, the impact of the published articles. In order to align with international standards, starting in 2021, the journal is implementing a bilingual publication policy. All articles will be published in English and Portuguese or Spanish. After the article is accepted based on its scientific merit, the authors will be responsible for providing the approved version of the text in the second language, accompanied by a translation certificate issued by a qualified professional, including the translator's identification details. The authors are also responsible for conducting grammatical/orthographic reviews of the language in which the article is written (Portuguese, English, or Spanish) and ensuring APA formatting compliance for the entire article by a qualified professional, who will prepare a Text Review Declaration (TRD).
Note: The translated article, translation certificate, and Text Review Declaration must be uploaded on the OJS platform as supplementary documents for submission. It is important to note that the information contained in the text is entirely the authors' responsibility, and full approval for publication will be conditional on the verification of translation and review of the work.