Economic impact assessment of the pandemic in a veterinary clinic




pandemic, pet, time series, veterinary, forecast, cluster


Objective: This technological article presents the economic assessment of a veterinary clinic that increased human contact with animals during the pandemic.

Methods: Linear and negative binomial models were used for comparisons between years, SARIMA for semiannual forecasting, and cluster analysis to assess customer segmentation.

Results: There was growth in operations in 2020 and conservation in 2021.

Academic conclusions: Clients from two profiles found mostly sought services (neutering and vaccination) associated to some degree with the acquisition or adoption of animals, partially explaining the growth during the pandemic. The acquisition or adoption and the extra care enhanced by social isolation in the pandemic emerged to develop operations.

Practical conclusions: The article contributes to the assessment of the pet segment, which had a positive result with the pandemic's impact and a growth forecast for the next semester. It also encourages the assessment of financial, economic, and commercial analyses in evaluating veterinary clinics.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Henrique Esteves Trindade, Michigan State University, (MSU), Michigan, Estados Unidos

Professor (assistant) at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University (United States) and professor (volunteer) at the Postgraduate Program in Anesthesiology at São Paulo State University (Brazil).

Ricardo Limongi, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, GO, Brasil

PhD in Administration in the Marketing Strategies area from FGV/SP, with a doctoral internship at Cornell University. Professor of Marketing and Artificial Intelligence at UFG.

Thiago Damasceno Faria Bluhm, Universidade de Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Professor of Data Science, Business Intelligence and Data Eng., Technical Leader in Data Science, BI and Big Data, PortfolioTech.


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How to Cite

Trindade, P. H. E., Limongi, R., & Bluhm, T. D. F. (2025). Economic impact assessment of the pandemic in a veterinary clinic. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 24(2), e25851.



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