Strategic resources
a study in the wine production chain of fine wines in Paraná
strategic resources, resource based view, fine wine chainAbstract
Objective of the study: To comprehend how the competitive potential of human, physical, organizational and financial resources within the production and processing segments in the chain of fine wines in Paraná occurs.
Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out using qualitative methods. Three semi-structured interview scripts were used as data collection instruments for winery managers, their suppliers and one of the VINOPAR representatives.
Originality: The focus of this study is to apply the Resource-Based View, and the VRIO model, to identify, describe and understand the sources of competitive advantages, through strategic resources, in a relatively unexplored field.
Main results: Wineries have several strategic resources, including human resources (labor, good relationship, experience of managers and employees), physical (technology, structure, location, access to raw materials), organizational (culture and reputation) and financial (investment capacity, financing, working capital, cash flow and profit). The VRIO model was used to assess the organization of resources in the investigated wineries, including their organizational structure, control mechanisms and remuneration systems.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study´s theoretical impact stems from its ability to identify the competitive potential of certain resource types and emphasize their strategic value.
Social/management contributions: The fine wine industry in Paraná is struggling to establish itself and achieve growth in the national market. By examining available resources, this chain can work towards establishing a stronger presence.
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