Corporate social responsibility in football and its influence on the relationship between professional club and local community




Corporate Social Responsibility, Football, Community


Objective: To propose a model for analyzing the relationship between a professional football club and the local community, focusing on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Methodology:

Systematic literature review of 49 scientific articles on CSR in football published from 2011 to April 2022.

Originality: In the 1990s, football began a process of industrialization in which decision-making was guided by commercial interests, leading to the distance of the club from the local community. Recent ethical challenges involving the modality demand greater commitment from Professional Team Sports Organizations (PTSOs) with the sustainable development agenda, usually attributed to CSR programs. However, the investigations emphasize its instrumental character and focus little on community-oriented actions, sport for development (SFD), and social mobilization.

Results: It is suggested that one of the purposes of CSR is the reconstruction of the ties between club and community, whose process proves to be multidimensional (economic, integrative-political and ethical-emotional).

Theoretical contributions: To expand the body of Brazilian studies on CSR in football in a political-economic context that increases the pressure for profound changes in its governance structure.

Practical contributions: To propose a model capable of guiding the planning of CSR actions based on principles of sustainability and SFD, drawing attention to the aspects that can trigger social mobilization. 


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Nishida, University Center of Ignatian Educational Foundation Fr. Sabóia de Medeiros - FEI / São Paulo

Master's in Business Administration. University Center of Ignatian Educational Foundation Fr. Sabóia de Medeiros - FEI

Jacques Demajorovic, University Center of Ignatian Educational Foundation Fr. Sabóia de Medeiros - FEI / São Paulo, São Paulo

Ph.D. in Education from the University of São Paulo - USP

Dafne Oliveira Carlos de Morais, University Center of Ignatian Educational Foundation Fr. Sabóia de Medeiros - FEI / São Paulo, São Paulo

Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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How to Cite

Nishida, E., Demajorovic, J., & Morais, D. O. C. de. (2024). Corporate social responsibility in football and its influence on the relationship between professional club and local community. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 23(1), e24813.



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