How established companies experience the Lean Startup: a case study based on the role of middle management in the design of experimental spaces




Lean startup, Agile processes, Middle management, Experimental spaces, Established organizations, Case study


Purpose of the study: to understand how Lean Startup experimentation occurs in established companies through the design of experimental spaces and the role of middle management.

Methodology: qualitative methodology, with a single case study in a branch of an established multinational company. The semi-structured interview script focused on creating experimental spaces and the role of middle management, based on the flow of activities, practices and articulated organizational actors.

Originality/relevance: This study advances understanding of how the design of experimental spaces and temporary experimental settings, where actors from the field come together and experiment with alternative models of action, stimulate innovation and help introduce Lean Startup in established companies.

Main results: From the flow of activities, practices and organizational actors articulated by the middle management, the creation of experimental spaces was described as facilitators of the implementation of the model.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: the work contributes to the literature on the topic in a research gap identified in recent works, in which researchers state that there is a growing body of research on agile processes in Startups, but little has focused on understanding how this process is conducted in companies established and used as a tool to support innovation and corporate ventures.


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Author Biographies

Alessandro Conte Doratioto, Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC / Belo Horizonte (MG)

Master in Administration. Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC; Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

Ana Luiza Lara Araújo Burcharth, Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC / Belo Horizonte (MG)

Post Doctorate in Administration. Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

Samir Lótfi Vaz, Fundação Dom Cabral - FDC / Belo Horizonte (MG)

Doutor em Administração. Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – Brasil.

Marina Almeida Cruz, Fundação Dom Cabral - FDC / Belo Horizonte (MG)

Post Doctorate in Administration. Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais


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How to Cite

Doratioto, A. C., Burcharth, A. L. L. A., Vaz, S. L., & Cruz, M. A. (2023). How established companies experience the Lean Startup: a case study based on the role of middle management in the design of experimental spaces. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 22(1), e24159.