The convergence between the strategy as practice approach and the attention-based view theory through the premise of the structural distribution of attention
Strategy as Practice, Attention-Based View, Theoretical EssayAbstract
Objective: to discuss how the theoretical-analytical elements of Strategy as Practice (SAP) (practices, praxis and practitioners) can be considered in order to expand research into new agents that may influence the attention of decision-makers in the context of the attention structures of the Attention-Based View.
Originality/relevance: under the argumentative approach, we explain SAP’s emphasis on the so-called sociological look at the action of the actors who make strategy on a daily basis in organizations. We also address the theoretical-analytical elements that make up SAP: practices, practitioners and praxis. Subsequently, we approach ABV as a behavioral theory for studying strategy as an alternative to the orthodox view. ABV also includes metatheoretical premises, which include this essay, where we address the structural distribution of attention.
Main results: we discuss the convergence of the vision of strategy between the SAP approach and the ABV theory, and indicate a preliminary research agenda, which contemplates the alignment between them for theoretical advances in both, starting from the structures of attention.
Theoretical contributions: in the final considerations, we resume the proposed discussion and point out that both SAP and ABV had already signaled that their assumptions and visions of human action in organizations could be considered together to generate advances in research in the field of strategy.
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