Entrepreneurial orientation and Belo Horizonte craft breweries abstract
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial orientation, Regionality, Craft breweries.Abstract
Objective: To understand the entrepreneurial orientation of Craft breweries located at Belo Horizonte Metro area. Specifically, this study focused on characterizing the historical trajectory of the creation and development of the studied Craft breweries; and on identifying the composition of the entrepreneurial orientation of each studied case, taking into consideration the theoretical categories related to this approach.
Method/Approach: Multiple case studies with breweries from the region of Belo Horizonte. Four interviews were carried out followed by a content analysis, besides a data triangulation with observation of the companies and a document analysis.
Originality/Relevance: The study approaches the entrepreneurial orientation with a regional focus of on an industry that presents economic growth and is still poorly studied with an entrepreneurship theory basis.
Results: Due to the local competition, the companies investigated in the research presented a predominance of proactivity, followed by innovation, and, in a lesser level, risky taking.
Theoretical Contribution: Exploring the focus on regionality as a methodological resource, allowed the researchers to access different strategic dynamics of the studied companies, highlighting similarities and differences in terms of entrepreneurial orientation from a regional perspective.
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