Identification and Categorization of the Stakeholders from an Organization of the Third Sector


  • Daiane Aparecida de Melo Heinzen Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC
  • Carlos Ricardo Rossetto Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI
  • José Roberto Altoff UNIASSELVI/FAMEG



Non-Governmental Organization, Identification of Stakeholders, Classification of Stakeholders.


The current article aims at identifying which are the most relevant stakeholders that a NonGovernmental Organization understands as active on its connections net, as well as identifying the type of influence that these actors practice over the Organization. It is about a quantitative and descriptive research, where it has been used the case study strategy with focused interview. The data collection was carried on through a focused interview. The article presents a group of fifteen potential stakeholders of the organization, classifies each of these actors according to its influence over the organization and identifies the agents. The results show that all the stakeholders that are understood as influencers of the organizations inputs are also seen as influenced by their outputs, which characterizes a certain degree of Independence amongst its activities. The article yet shows four distinct types of actors’ categories: discretionary, demanding, irrelevant and dependent. It is verified a predominance of actors classified as discretionary, the ones that are characterized by the high level of their actions recognition, but do not show great meaningfulness on the level of power practiced over the actions.


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Author Biographies

Daiane Aparecida de Melo Heinzen, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC

Departamento de Ensino Professora de Nível básico, técnico e tecnológico

Carlos Ricardo Rossetto, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

Coordenador Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração - PPGA

José Roberto Altoff, UNIASSELVI/FAMEG

Coordenador Publicidade & Propaganda Grupo UNIASSELVI / FAMEG



How to Cite

Heinzen, D. A. de M., Rossetto, C. R., & Altoff, J. R. (2013). Identification and Categorization of the Stakeholders from an Organization of the Third Sector. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 12(1), 154–180.
  • Abstract 150
  • pdf (Português (Brasil)) 228