Proposal for a Strategy for Development of New Courses of Higher Education<Br>Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.5585/Riae.V10i2.1685


  • Emerson Wagner Mainardes Universidade da Beira Interior/UBI
  • Maria José Silva Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)
  • Maria José Domingues Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)



Strategies in Services, Educational Services, New Courses in Higher Education, University Management


The study has proposed a model that systematizes the process of construction of a new course of higher education. From the fundamentals that guide the strategies in services and the new services development, and supported in studies found on the new services development for the education sector, the construction of the model was possible, which is divided into: antecedents, development and implementation of the new course in higher education. At the end of the research, a case study at a higher education institution that follows certain procedures to offer a new course allowed us to compare the proposed model with the processes undertaken by the institution investigated. The proposed model guides the provision of new courses to the market and gives a first step in scientific research on the topic.


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Author Biographies

Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Universidade da Beira Interior/UBI

Mestre em Adminsitração pela FURBDoutorando em Gestão pela UBI

Maria José Silva, Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)

Doutora em Gestão pela UBIProfessora Auxiliar da UBIDepartamento de Gestão e Economia

Maria José Domingues, Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção pela UFSCProfessora Titular da FURBCentro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas



How to Cite

Mainardes, E. W., Silva, M. J., & Domingues, M. J. (2011). Proposal for a Strategy for Development of New Courses of Higher Education<Br>Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.5585/Riae.V10i2.1685. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 10(2), 58–83.



  • Abstract 138
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 136