Systematic review on the factors that propitiate a fertile environment for innovation


  • Juliano Aparecido Khun Universidade Positivo
  • Moriel Savagnago Universidade Positivo



Innovation, Innovative environment, Influencing factors, Systematic literature review


Objective: In this article, our objective was to conduct a systematic literature review in order to identify the main factors that provide a fertile environment for the emergence and development of innovations.

Methodology / Approach: We used systematic literature review, in order to search business field on the basis of EBSCO’s and Scopus, with identification of keywords in titles and abstracts.

Originality / Relevance: This is a proposition of a research agenda on the enabling environment to the development of innovations.

Main results: The results pointed out that there are factors that are manageable by the companies and others that are not manageable or of little management. The results also showed, by the number of studies on the respective factors, that the most relevant dimensions are ‘organizational culture’, ‘management and leadership’ and ‘organizational structure’.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: The following research agenda is proposed: (i) how much consumer pressure can be a factor that contributes to the creation of an enabling environment to innovation; (ii) entrepreneurship as a source of innovation; (iii) dependency on large customers can negatively impact the enabling environment to innovation; (iv) the levels and ways that pessimism and optimism acted as predictors of creativity and, consequently, of the generation of innovations.


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Author Biographies

Juliano Aparecido Khun, Universidade Positivo

Doutorando em Gestão Ambiental pela Universidade Positivo. Mestre pela UFPR. Professor e Pesquisador em inovação, Economia Circular e sustentabilidade

Moriel Savagnago, Universidade Positivo

Doutorando em Administração pela Universidade Positivo. Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação da Universidade Positivo.



How to Cite

Khun, J. A., & Savagnago, M. (2019). Systematic review on the factors that propitiate a fertile environment for innovation. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 18(3), 339–360.
  • Abstract 395
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 447