Leveraging Highly Relational Service Performance Through The Participation of Empowered Customer


  • Patricia Silva Monteiro Boaventura Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP
  • Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP



Palabras clave:

Co-creation of Value. Service-dominant Logic. Customer Empowerment. Customer Participation. Highly Relational Services.


Objective:  As highly relational services are so heavily dependent on customer participation, it is relevant to understand how organizations can turn mandatory participation into more productive interaction; and how customer empowerment can be used as a mechanism to enhance participation and subsequently affect service evaluations and behavioral intentions.

Method: Conceptual article analyzing the literature on customer participation and empowerment and presenting a framework that explores the effects of these constructs on service evaluations and behavioral intentions.

Main Result: Service providers that offer opportunities to customers to move from the audience to the stage turn customers into competent partners, empowered-to-act, who can impact processes and outcomes. Under these conditions, the company together with the customer co-create personalized experiences, and the company can achieve a competitive advantage.

Contributions: The distinction between different empowerment mechanisms and their effects on how participation develops in highly relational services contributes to the literature on service marketing, which may consider distinctive effects in models explaining service performance. The article discusses that customer empowerment impact on participation follows an inverted-U curve shape.

Relevance/Originality: The empowerment-to-act mechanism described may contribute to a reduction in value co-destruction risk, as customers will be more prepared to assume their roles.

Social and Managerial Implications: Organizations can clarify the effects of chosen strategies to promote customer empowerment; and public policies can also benefit from a more comprehensive understanding of mechanisms influencing customers’ behavioral intentions toward institutions, as customers who are more capable of taking decisions are less vulnerable.


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Biografía del autor/a

Patricia Silva Monteiro Boaventura, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP

Doutoranda em Administração pela FGV/EAESP. Mestre em Administração pela FGV/EAESP, MBA pela The Wharton School-UPENN, Engenheira de Produção pela USP. Experiência profissional de 15 anos no mercado financeiro de varejo e segurador nas áreas de Planejamento, Gestão de Projetos e Gestão de Produtos. Pesquisa  temas relacionados à co-criação de valor, marketing de relacionamento e marketing estratégico nas organizações. Bolsista FAPESP. 

Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito, Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP

Possui graduação (1985) e mestrado (1993) em Administração pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas – SP e doutorado (1997) pela Manchester Business School – Inglaterra. Atualmente é professora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP e faz parte do núcleo de docentes permanentes do Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração de Empresas desta instituição. Atuou na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie como professora do PPGA da universidade por mais de 10 anos. Entre 2004 e 2008 coordenou o referido Programa de Pós-Graduação. Tem experiência profissional em empresas multinacionais e nacionais de grande e pequeno porte. Ficou como Editora Científica do periódico Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa - RAEP, editado pela ANGRAD entre 2009 e 2011. Coordenadora da Área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo da CAPES nos triênios 2011-2013 e 2014-2016. Seus principais interesses de pesquisa são redes sociais, cooperação, consumo e mercado.  



Cómo citar

Boaventura, P. S. M., & Brito, E. P. Z. (2018). Leveraging Highly Relational Service Performance Through The Participation of Empowered Customer. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 17(3), 314–328. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v17i3.3483