
exploring the unconscious side of consumption




Neuromarketing; Consumer behavior; Neuroscience


Objective: To understand how consumers perceive the influences of Neuromarketing on their consumption actions.

Methodology: Qualitative research, through individual interviews with consumers, guided by a semi-structured script, with an inductive logic approach to building theory from the results. As a form of data treatment, a content analysis was carried out, which gave rise to the categories used to compose the theoretical model.

 Relevance/Originality: The relevance of this study plays an important role in the discussion of the applicability of neuroscience in the business world, as it provides a unique, managerial and academic contribution, exploring the formation of a new model that could contribute to neuromarketing studies and strategies.

Results: It was shown that consumers perceive their relationship with consumption with a tendency towards more emotional influences, creating a process of involvement through stimuli, memories, sensory triggers, and experiences that generate more irrational consumption behavior.

Theoretical contributions: A model of emotional availability in consumption was proposed, with five central categories: Mental availability (stimulus), Memory (sensory triggers), Experience (humanization), Emotion (engagement), and Impulse (encouragement) which shows a path of persuasion of Neuromarketing, which leads to consumption behavior with an emotional bias.

Implications for management: As a managerial contribution, it brings the possibility of applying Neuromarketing strategies in business planning, bringing a differentiated and less biased investigation lens toindividual's consumption preferences.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Gonçalves Louro, IBMEC - RJ

Mestre em Administração de Empresas 

Renata Andreoni Barboza, IBMEC - RJ

Doutora em Administração de Empresas


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How to Cite

Louro, F. G., & Barboza, R. A. (2024). Neuromarketing: exploring the unconscious side of consumption. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 23(1), 252–299.



Special Issue: Applications of neurosciences to the marketing field