Be authentic! Analyzing the image management of digital nano-influencers




Nano-influencers, Social Media, Authenticity, Image management


Purpose: The aim of the study was to understand how nano-influencers deal with managing their image with a view to achieving authenticity.

Method: This research used a qualitative approach, with data constructed through semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on Thematic Analysis.

Results: We recognized that the main objective of nano-influencers is to build their reputation, so that they develop organic and structuring content strategies that enhance their naturalness, expertise and accessibility. By reinforcing their authenticity, these nano-influencers have creative control over the content they develop, externalizing their identities and generating congruence between message and sender. The invasion of brands in their profiles, therefore, is minimal, so that they can be justified by the influencers' passion for the products, aiding a coherent construction of narratives.

Theorical contributions: We found that nano-influencers develop a fairytale authenticity when analysing their endorsements of brands. However, by exposing their own brand, that is, the services they offer, the human brand that they are, these SMIs seek absolute authenticity, based on transparency and organicity, similarity and inseparability. This is a considerable advance in the literature, as we identified that the paths of authenticity can be different from the stakeholder it is aimed at (brands or followers).

Originality/relevance: We proposed a theoretical model consisting of five elements that characterize the image management of nano-influencers. This is an unprecedented research movement to identify the constructs that form image management. We believe that such elements are guiding motives for the actions of SMIs, and we propose that variations in the types of influencers will affect the characteristics contained in these elements.


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Author Biographies

Marianny Jessica de Brito Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE

Doutora em Administração


Claudine Julia Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE

Mestre em Gestão, Inovação e Consumo

Mirelly Mary Alves Pinheiro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE

Mestre em Gestão, Inovação e Consumo


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How to Cite

Silva, M. J. de B., Silva, C. J., & Pinheiro, M. M. A. (2023). Be authentic! Analyzing the image management of digital nano-influencers. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(3), 1127–1190.