Hedonic motivation or health prevention? the female self-esteem recovery of bariatric patients





Motivation, Hedonism, Well-being, Consumption, Self


Goal: This study aims to understand the relationship between hedonic motivation and health prevention, as possible influencers of bariatric surgery consumption by the female audience.

Method: This research is characterized as a qualitative study with the collection strategy, in-depth interviews, content analysis, and life history reports, as it covers the interests involved in the exploratory phase.

Originality/Relevance: The relevance of the research is emphasized, as it was noticed that the well-being in the interviewees' lives, characterizes all the meaning that permeates the life quality they have been gradually acquiring, based on the results perceived after the surgical procedure. That fact leads them to the acceptance of the new body, to a healthy life, and, consequently, to a higher level of self-esteem in the reconstruction processes (SIRGY; LEE and RAHTZ, 2007; SIRGY and LEE, 2006). Thus, it can be detected that there is little research in the area of marketing related to female well-being, concerning bariatric surgery.

Results (mandatory): It appears that the main motivator for performing bariatric surgery was the health aspect, as can be seen in the excerpts and reports of the interviewees.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: We sought to base ourselves on the studies of the Self, Subjective Well-Being, Self-esteem, and motivation. We expected to contribute to marketing studies as a reference for possible future studies, given the socioeconomic dimensions in the academic world.

Social/management contributions: It is expected that this study can contribute to the information gathered in the research, so that other women who have not undergone such a process yet, can resolve doubts, as well as any other type of distrust that prevent them from undergoing the bariatric surgery procedure. Still, it is expected that this research can contribute to future research on this theme, given the lack of research on the theme of well-being in the consumer behavior area.


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Author Biographies

Elaine Ribeiro Oliveira, Federal University of Paraiba/UFPB

PhD in Business Administration

Jean Carlos Gomes Limeira, Federal University of Paraiba/UFPB

Master's student

Rita de Cássia Faria Pereira, Federal University of Paraiba/UFPB


Herlane Chaves Paz, Federal University of Pernambuco - PROPAD of UFPE

Doctoral student


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. R., Limeira, J. C. G., Pereira, R. de C. F., & Paz, H. C. (2023). Hedonic motivation or health prevention? the female self-esteem recovery of bariatric patients. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(2), 598–654. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v22i2.19994