Foundations and trends in analytics and marketing relationship




Bibliometric, Analytics, Marketing, Capabilities


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to pave the path for further quantitative research in the field of analytics in marketing based on capabilities literature, it analyzed state of the art about Analytics and Marketing in the context of Resource-Based View and capabilities literature.

Design/methodology/approach: It is a bibliometric and an applied review that shows the relationship between the subfields. We used some cluster analyses to provide a scheme for tracking this literature intersection for beginners and experienced researchers.

Findings: After the adaptive analytics capabilities proposition, the paper is concluded with a discussion of pathways in Marketing and Strategy literature indicating possible endogenous, exogenous, and covariate constructs for moderation/mediation mechanism studies agenda.

Research implications: It was developed a nomological network for construct choice process aiming for future studies of the emerging relationship between Marketing, Analytics, and Capabilities using updated and relevant constructs references.

Originality/value: From the foundations of Analytics and Marketing intersection, we gave objective trends and constructs to develop a future agenda that can intertwine the subfields using the power of dynamic capabilities literature.


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Author Biographies

Alamir Costa Louro, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES

Ph.D In Business Administration

Marcelo Moll Brandão, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES, Brasil.

Ph.D In Business Administration

Arthur França Sarcinelli, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES, Brasil.

Master In Business Administration


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How to Cite

Louro, A. C., Brandão, M. M., & Sarcinelli, A. F. (2021). Foundations and trends in analytics and marketing relationship. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(1), 1–26.