How much for the show? Football tickets from a hedonic perspective




Hedonic prices, Tickets, Football, Valuation, Consumer


Objective: This article aims to attribute value to the influence of some characteristic aspects of football in the pricing process on game tickets, focusing on the fan.

Method: According to the quantitative approach, a regressive model is used from the perspective of the hedonic methodology applied to a primary database, collected in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in order to obtain the implicit prices of each factor in the actual price of tickets.

Originality / Relevance: A study is presented that uses an unprecedented modelling proposal in the context of sports marketing to try to understand how much, in monetary terms, structural or individual aspects affect the actual price of sports game tickets.

Results: Some characteristics related to the game proved to be relevant and their implicit prices were estimated in relation to a base price, such as the home club (increased ticket price in a range from 31.31 to 163.10%), form of acquisition (increased the price by 14.74% for box office and 166.28% for ticket scalping in relation to membership programs, respectively) and quality of the stadium (increased price by 61.75% for the best ranked stadiums in this regard).

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The main theoretical contribution is the application of hedonic theory on pricing strategies in the context of football fans and their sensitivity to this construct. As such, it was used as a methodological proposal for the hedonic modelling, which allowed to determine some of the main segmentation attributes of these consumers and the impact they had on ticket pricing by clubs and organizers.

Managerial Contributions: In view of the initiative to professionalize sports management in Brazil, with the recent occurrence of large investments, both public and private (such as the World Cup stadiums), it is expected that such knowledge may be relevant in order to align the preferences of fans as consumers with the action of clubs and sports management entities (confederations, consortia and sponsors).


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Author Biographies

Pedro Forti, Federal University of Paraná - UFPR

Master in Business Administration - emphasis in Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior

Lilian Maluf de Lima, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo

Professor Ph.D. - Department of Economics, Administration and Sociology


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How to Cite

Forti, P., & de Lima, L. M. (2021). How much for the show? Football tickets from a hedonic perspective. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(3), 518–547.