Digital marketing strategies in the Age of search.


  • Sionara Ioco Okada UFG
  • Eliane Moreira Sá de Souza UFG



Search Engine Marketing, Optimization Strategies, QR Codes and Augmented Reality.


The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICTs) launches an era of exponential growth and distribution of relevant content. With the expansion of the pervasiveness of online growth and ease of mobile web access via mobile devices, "the search" has become popular and search engines have grown and become more sophisticated. This article focuses on making an update to the latest publications of Digital Marketing Strategies, in order to increase the visibility of important concepts and trends, in particular, the evolution of Web 2.0 semantic web, Search Marketing, SEO and SEM strategies, and mobile tagging, QR codes and Augmented Reality. The research was exploratory along with secondary research, particularly literature, focusing on specialized publications, in the period of 1995 to 2010. Some innovations have become marked and turned into powerful trends impacting marketers and Information Technology (IT). The movement of consumption for the web, the ease of search engines for improved products and referrals, and the increased consumption in real time act as irreversible trends for organizations that require efficient marketing strategies. It is imperative to manage the communication business in the "age search" and to make marketing strategies targeted and sustainable upgrades would be required.



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Author Biographies

Sionara Ioco Okada, UFG

Mestre em Agronegócio pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Docente na área de Administração com ênfase em Gestão Estratégica, Tecnologia da Informação e Marketing Digital.Professora/tutora do curso de Administração - EAD - UFG

Eliane Moreira Sá de Souza, UFG

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, nas áreas de sistemas de informação e Inteligência Artificial Aplicada. Coordenadora Geral do Projeto Piloto UAB na UFG. Professora e Pesquisadora em tecnologia de informação e redes neurais.



How to Cite

Okada, S. I., & Souza, E. M. S. de. (2011). Digital marketing strategies in the Age of search. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 10(1), 46–72.