Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Young People: Implications for Social Marketing


  • Adriana de Fatima Valente Bastos Fundação Getúlio Vargas
  • Francisco José da Costa Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Madiã Marcela Vasconcelos Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Social Marketing, Alcohol Consumption, Structural Equations Modeling.


This article analyzed the factors that influence the alcohol consumption by young people, whilst intended to improve social marketing actions oriented for the reduction of its consumption. We first carried out a literature review and developed a hypothesis model involving antecedents of alcohol consumption intention. Therefore, we also proceeded an empirical analysis with data collected by means of structured questionnaire with 322 young people. We used descriptive techniques, consistency analysis of the scales and structural equations modeling for testing the hypotheses. The results indicated that sociability, influence of family and friends, and personal satisfaction are factors that influence alcohol consumption intention. Lastly, we proposed some theoretical and practical implications for social marketing.


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Author Biography

Adriana de Fatima Valente Bastos, Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Doutoranda da linha de estratégia de marketing. 



How to Cite

Bastos, A. de F. V., Costa, F. J. da, & Vasconcelos, M. M. (2017). Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Young People: Implications for Social Marketing. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 16(4), 469–486.