Endomarketing Programs in the Organic Products Industry: Study Relationship Marketing


  • Graziela Oste Graziano Unimep
  • Yeda Cirera Oswaldo Unimep
  • Andrea Kassouf Pizzinatto Unimep
  • Valéria Rueda Elias Spers Unimep




Internal Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Organic Products.


The study sought this study investigated the applicability of use in the agribusiness relationship marketing tool in internal marketing programs (aimed at internal stakeholders, employees). in the research were investigated 12 companies, thus having a convenience sample. It can be concluded that the objectives of the Internal Marketing Programs are targeted to promote the welfare, seek commitment and training, and inform employees. The greatest benefits offered by the Internal Marketing Programs, appointed by companies are: stimulate the participation of all employees of the organization; Improve the attitudes and behaviors of employees with respect to employment; Create and promote ideas in organizations dedicated to good customer service; Contribute to the improvement of productivity rates; Favor the recruitment and selection; and include career plans as motivation tools. This study is the assumption of Relationship Marketing in 50% of the contacted companies, as research in the points of sale allowed the verification of 24 companies.


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How to Cite

Graziano, G. O., Oswaldo, Y. C., Pizzinatto, A. K., & Elias Spers, V. R. (2016). Endomarketing Programs in the Organic Products Industry: Study Relationship Marketing. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(5), 626–641. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v15i5.3410