Cultural Meanings Construction: An Analysis of the Organic Grape Juice Market


  • Marlon Dalmoro UNIVATES



Market, Cultural Meanings, Grape Juice, Organic Food.


Regarding the meanings networks that involve markets, this research aims to analyze cultural meanings production in the organic grape juice market, involving consumers and producers agents. It was adopted a qualitative approach with an interpretative character by interviews with 25 consumers and producers. Cultural meanings construction description and analysis involved the socio-cultural context, interaction between agents (producers and consumers) and meanings assigned by each agent. Organics are meant as food for both agents. However, others meanings associated to organics operate in dichotomic levels. It results in a non-homogeneous network between producers and consumers, reflecting the different cultural universe of each agent. These results mainly contribute in understanding the patterns of production and consumption around the food market. The lack of consolidated networks of meanings limit the construction and establishment of organic products market structures.


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Author Biography

Marlon Dalmoro, UNIVATES

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS.  Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da IMED e do Centro de Gestão Organizacional da Univates.



How to Cite

Dalmoro, M. (2015). Cultural Meanings Construction: An Analysis of the Organic Grape Juice Market. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 14(1), 97–109.