Predictors of intention-purchase correspondence and programmed reinforcement levels of specialty brands
Programmed Reinforcement, Planned Purchase, Intention-Purchase, Behavioral Perspective Model, Durable GoodsAbstract
Objective: To determine which retail environment and consumer learning history variables influence the fulfillment of purchase plans (intention-purchase correspondence) and purchases of brands with programmed reinforcement levels (utilitarian and informational) in the retail of specialty durable goods.
Methods: We conducted a quasi-experimental study, operationalized in a natural environment with 109 purchases made by 99 customers within a retail chain. We used logistic regressions to calculate the probability effects on the dependent variables.
Originality/Relevance: The research shows the effects of situational versus consumer dispositional variables on real acquisitions of specialty durable good brands, contrasting with previous research on high frequency purchase product or service brands and/or in simulated purchases. Investigations into the effects on real purchasing behavior in a natural environment have been rare in the research on consumption.
Results: The results reveal that only learning history is a predictor for the fulfillment of consumer purchase plans and that, together with the retail environment variables, it influences brand purchases that lead to different programmed reinforcement levels (utilitarian and informational) in the retail of specialty durable goods.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study used the Behavioral Perspective Model to interpret the phenomenon. This has been useful for explaining consumer dynamics, contextualizing the emitted responses and the possible informational and utilitarian consequences caused by purchases.
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