United Kingdom’s Sport System: Dynamics, Functioning and Reflections for Brazil





Sports systems, Sports federations, Brazil, United Kingdom


Objective of the study: To introduce the UK sports system, seeking to explain its dynamics and functioning.

Methodology: This study uses the methodology proposed by Scheerder, Willem and Claes (2017) and their five key questions for understanding the relationship between the State and sports federations. We collected data from official databases, laws, previous studies on sports systems, sports federation statutes, and boards and websites of government agencies and sports federations. Then, we analysed it based on the content analysis.

Originality / Relevance: It is possible to acknowledge that there is a considerable production of knowledge about sports policies in the United Kingdom (UK), but that does not emphasize the relationship between the State and sports federations, and that knowing more about that relationship in that country can be useful for reflections on the Brazilian sports system.

Main results: The UK sports system is based on the principles of independence, partnership and collaboration between actors at all levels. However, there is centrality of power in intermediary institutions such as UK Sport and Sport England. While the UK Sporting System shows a certain balance in the treatment of elite sport and mass sport, in Brazil the emphasis is on the elite sport.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: The work presents the UK sports system and starts its discussion in relation to the Brazilian sports system, having the background of globalization.


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Author Biography

Fernando Augusto Starepravo, Universidade Estadual de Maringa Loughborough University

Doutor em Educacao Fisica pela Universidade Federal do Parana. Professor Associado do Departamente de Educacao Fisica da Universidade Estadual de Maringa.


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How to Cite

Starepravo, F. A., & Piggin, J. (2021). United Kingdom’s Sport System: Dynamics, Functioning and Reflections for Brazil. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 10(1), 29–55. https://doi.org/10.5585/podium.v10i1.16400


