Improvement for educational governance based on GAF model




Educational governance, Governance Analytical Framework (GAF), Educational quality indicators


Reflecting on the several deficiencies of the Brazilian educational system, we discussed the need to improve educational policies and processes in the public education system in Brazil. We asked about the existence of a more efficient and quality Brazilian educational system. Thus, our study aimed to present an improvement proposal for the educational governance of the Djalma Marinho State School (DMSS) according to the dimensions proposed by the Governance Analytical Framework (GAF) model. Regarding the methodological procedures, we used a semi-structured interview to support the proposal. We also observed an improvement in the Basic Education Development Index (BEDI) of the DMSS compared to the state government level. The findings allowed us to identify the dimensions proposed by the GAF model: problems, actors, social norms, decision spaces, and workflows, which simultaneously demonstrated a satisfactory level of educational governance in the DMSS. Finally, the article contributes to the elaboration of a model to improve the level of educational governance.



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How to Cite

da Costa Salustiano, J., Backes Steppan, A. I., & Rodrigues Boente, D. (2022). Improvement for educational governance based on GAF model. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 10(2), 219–234.



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