Digital transformation in the food industry: a framework proposal




Digital transformation, Framework, Design science research, Industry


The Digital Transformation (DT) process is a challenge imposed by a market reality where competitiveness is a key factor for organizations to achieve superior performance. Companies must gradually integrate new technologies into their value creation process by developing appropriate organizational projects. TD can be considered a process rather than an event - that is, supporting one step to another rather than individual events and should significantly impact the business model. Therefore, one should not confuse IT strategy (means) with TD strategy (end). However, the challenges to start the TD process are numerous - defining where and how to start, which technologies to adopt, among others. Given such complexity, this applied article aims to a framework contemplating the necessary steps for the implementation of digital transformation in the food industry DOCE SABOR (fictitious name). To this end, the Design Science Research (DSR) method was used. Thus, this article was structured based on the DSR steps. Among the results and contributions, it is noteworthy that the framework presented contemplates the necessary steps for the implementation of TD in the industry DOCE SABOR. Moreover, this study contributes to the literature by presenting new studies and knowledge generated throughout the process of the DSR, as well as the methodology itself, with the necessary steps for TD in an industry, which can be followed and/or adapted by managers in general.


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Author Biographies

Alexsander Canaparro, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos -UNISINOS

Mestre em Administração

Angelito Dorneles da Rocha, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Mestre em Direito

Marcelo André Machado, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS


José Carlos Silva Freitas Júnior, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS



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How to Cite

Canaparro, A., da Rocha, A. D., Machado, M. A., & Silva Freitas Júnior, J. C. (2021). Digital transformation in the food industry: a framework proposal. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 9(2), 289–308.



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