This journal is committed to ethics and quality in its publication. We support ethical behavior standards expected of all parties involved in the publication of our journal: the author, editor and proofreader. We do not tolerate plagiarism or other form of unethical behavior.

Dialogia is a bi-annual scientific publication of the Master’s Degree Program in Management and Educational Practices (PROGEPE) at the University Nove de Julho (UNINOVE).




1. General duties and responsibilities of editors: 


The editors will be ultimately responsible for the articles published in DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal.

In his editorial activity constitute its fundamental duties:

• strive to meet the needs of readers and;

• contribute to constantly improve the Scientific Journal;

• ensure the quality of articles that are published;

• ensure permanently, freedom of expression, regardless of creeds, political, ideological and academic positions;

• Given that the DIALOGIA is a scientific journal in the field of education, it is the duty of editors contributes to maintaining the academic line for which the DIALOGIA is dedicated;

• prevent deviations with regard to intellectual standards;

• whenever necessary, the editors will always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and introduce, when appropriate, apologies to the authors and/or readers.


2. Relations with readers

DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal will make public its readers the sources of financing, whenever some published research has been funded by any institution and/or funding agency and the role of the respective agencies and institutions in those researches.


3. Relations with authors

Editors should take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the articles or other material published, recognising that journals and sections within journals have different aims and standards.

Editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based only on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, purpose and the study’s relevance to the remit of the journal.

The peer review processes are set in the rules of publication of articles, thematic dossiers, critical reviews and the editors will always be willing to justify any deviations that may arise regarding to the review process described in the standards.

The authors of the articles submitted to DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal may, whenever they wish, manifest itself against editorial decisions in a letter to the editors. The editors will respond, promptly and justified to complaints.

Editors will publish guidelines to authors concerning originality, scientific theories of the material to be published, such as the rules that should be followed for the submission of their articles.

The guidelines to authors will be regularly updated and will be necessarily linked to the present ethical code of conduct.

The editors will not take the decision to publish articles whose peer review has been negative;

Where there is a change of editors of DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal the editorial policy will not change, unless they were identified mistakes made by previous editors.


4. Relations with the reviewers 

The editors will publish guidelines to employees as regards standards followed by the scientific journal, peer review and scientific responsibility in order to maintain the academic quality of articles to be published. These guidelines are updated regularly and are necessarily linked to this code.

The editors guarantee the confidentiality of reviewers and authors individual information unless they have an open review system that is declared to authors and reviewers.


5. The peer-review process

Editors will ensure that material submitted to DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal remains confidential while under review.


6. Complaints

The editors ensure that all authors have the right to submit their complaints to the editors, whenever deem necessary and appropriate.

The editors will respond promptly to author’s complaints and should ensure them right of reply. In case of disagreement concerning the result of the first evaluation, authors my complaint directly to editors by letter and may require reevaluation of their articles. These guidelines shall be published in norms for authors.


7. Encouraging debate

DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal emphasizes the democratic debate and therefore guarantees the possibility of criticism to published works. It is up to the editors to decide whether criticised material is adjusted, reasoned and convincing.

The authors of criticised material will have the opportunity to respond.


8. Encouraging academic integrity

The editors ensure that research material they publish are in accordance with the internationally accept ethical guidelines. They also ensure that research involving related aspects with human rights will only be published after a favourable opinion by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE).


9. Individual data protection

The editors ensure the protection of confidentiality of individual information. The editors will not disclose, for example, the identity of research subjects and personal data in the case of empirical research. The editors will require to the authors of the articles of empirical research the guarantee that the research subjects have given their written consent to participate in the research.

Considering that DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal is a publication in the field of education, the editors will accept all empirical research articles without explicit consent of research subject, as long as does not affect the publication of the articles  or the dignity of the subjects involved.


10. Procedures to ethical misconduct

The editors follow the international standards about plagiarized work. The editors totally reject all forms of plagiarism and will only publish articles with the guarantee by their authors, of the originality of his works.

If some author submits to DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal a partially or wholly work plagiarized, will be definitely excluded access to the possibility of publication.  It is obligator to transmit this policy to the authors and it will be guarantee the right to reply.

The editors will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that published polls were conducted in accordance with the ethical standards of scientific research as defined by international organisms.


11. Integrity of the academic record assurance

The editors ensure that, whenever it is recognised that a significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distorted report has been published, it must be corrected promptly and with due prominence, in order to replace the accuracy and scientific truth and for respect to the journal readers.

The editors ensure that shall transmit, to networks in which DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal is indexed, all information relating to works that eventually may have been published with inaccuracies or distorted or misleading statements.

DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal will follow its rules, guidelines and editorial policies, not deviate from is priority objectives: promoting education field research and contribute to the democratic debate at both national and international levels on all the thematic related to the education, pressuring through disseminated scientific research, the improvement of educational practices.


12. Editorial independence

The editors of DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal are governed by the principles of democracy, ensuring the dissemination of scientific papers based on rigor, scientific quality and originality, regardless of the political and ideological options of their authors. The editors will follow and comply with the principle of editorial independence.


13. Relationship between publishers and Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal consists by both national and international recognized merit academic members, belonging to institutions of higher education. Therefore, the editors ensure that they will consult the editorial board and will take into account their criticisms, comments and proposals with the aim to improve the scientific quality of the magazine. This query will be made annually.


14. Conflicts of interest

The conflicts that eventually may arise between editors, authors, reviewers, and readers and which cannot be solved only with the intervention of editors will be solved, by a Committee that will have the participation of the Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Management and Educational Practices (PROGEPE) which belongs to the journal. This Committee, after evaluation and decision, will draw up a response that will be transmitted to the interested parties.


15. Compliance with the ethical code

The editors will make every effort to comply with this ethical code which, after their publication, will come into force immediately.


Peer Review Process

All collaborations submitted to Dialogia are evaluated taking into consideration, specially, methodological, grammatical, and redactional thoroughness, degree of originality and authorship, creativity, as well as coherence with the focus of this publication.

When a submitted paper is not adequate to the editorial policies for this publication, it will be archived and the decision, communicated to the authors.

If a paper is considered pertinent, the evaluation continues with the double-blind peer review process with ad-hoc partners – specialists designated in regard of the paper’s theme. The evaluators are mostly teachers and researchers associated to stricto-sensu postgraduate programs in national or foreign education institutions.  

In order for the paper to be published, double approval is necessary. In case of divergence between evaluations, the submitted paper will be considered by a third partner.

The evaluators may accept, reject or ask for revisions. All the cases will be justified by a report. When two partners reject the paper, it will be archived; if both decide to accept, it follows on to the next phase. However, if one or both partners ask for revisions, the paper will be given back to the author(s), asking for consideration and reformulation based on the topics listed for revision. When the author resubmits the new version of the paper, following the partners suggestion, it will be reevaluated.

The decision of on which edition the paper will be published is made by the editors.


Anti-Plagiarism Policy

All papers submitted to Dialogia will be tested for similarity verification on Oxsico.

This publication follows international rules on plagiarized papers. This publication absolutely rejects all forms of plagiarism and only publishes papers with the authors’ guarantee on its originality.

The editors are vigilant to processes of autoplagiarism and will make, whenever judged appropriate, recommendations to the author.

In case of submission of a totally or partially plagiarized paper to Dialogia, the author will be indefinitely forbidden of submitting new papers for consideration. This directive will, imperatively, be transmitted to the authors and for them it will be granted the right of reply.


The Editors

DIALOGIA, Scientific Journal of

Master’s Degree Program in Management and Educational Practices (PROGEPE)

Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)

São Paulo

March 2022